HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (Sept. 29, 2017) – Do you work on Redstone Arsenal or any federal property? If you have a child in Huntsville City Schools, Madison City Schools or Madison County Schools you recently received a form that’s very important to fill out and return.
The school systems count on federal funding every year, and the amount they receive depends on your participation.
If you’ve lost the form, we’ve posted them here. Click the link for your child’s school system, print it and fill it out:
Please return it to your child’s school as soon as possible.
“One of the funding sources for school systems are property taxes that go right into our classrooms,” said Matt Massey, Superintendent of Madison County Schools. “Because we don’t receive property taxes from Redstone Arsenal, we have an opportunity through Impact Aid to receive those dollars from the federal government. So we need everybody to fill those forms out so we can maximize the amount of dollars we can get.”
Watch this video to learn why this funding is so important:
Its Impact Aid time! Forms are going home today…. Parents, turn these form in! #CompleteTheForm #HelpOurSchools
Posted by The Schools Foundation on Wednesday, September 20, 2017