Movers & Shakers Submission

Think about who's made a move in your company recently! It could be someone you've promoted or hired recently, or someone who has earned a new degree or certification. You may send in up to four people at a time. Due to the amount of submissions we receive for Movers & Shakers, any submissions that come in after the deadline will be held for next time.

There are two ways to submit.

    1. If you submit only one person, or want to submit multiple persons individually, go to "(1) Individual Submissions", fill form/upload files, then click "Submit" button at the bottom.
    2. If you prefer to submit all write-ups and photos at once by zipping them into one file, go to "(2) Batch Submission", fill form/upload a file, then click "Submit" button at the bottom.

(1) Individual Submissions

Please write this in third-person style.
Photo needs to be high resolution (JPEG, JPG, PNG), preferably with ample background. Please avoid close-up or selfie photos if possible.

(2) Batch Submission

Zip all write-ups (can be in one document) and photos in one file. Limit of four employees per time, please.

Movers & Shakers sponsored by:

Deadlines for contributions

March 2025: Wednesday, Feb. 19

May 2025: Wednesday, April 16

July 2025: Wednesday, June 18

September 2025: Wednesday, Aug. 20

November 2025: Wednesday, Oct. 15

January 2026: Wednesday, Dec. 10