Thornton Stanley, Jr., President of Stanley Construction Company, Inc., is the new Chairman of the Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC).
The mission of the AFC is to guard forests, protecting the natural resources, homes, and citizens from wildfire, to manage Alabama’s forest resources, thus providing the citizens of the state improved water and air quality, diverse habitat for wildlife, and support for a robust and growing forest industry and to provide educational programming for Alabama’s forest landowners, school children, government officials, volunteer fire departments, and the public. Thornton was appointed to the commission by Governor Kay Ivey in 2020.
As President of Stanley Construction Company, Mr. Stanley leads a firm specializing in mass excavation and infrastructure founded 64 years ago by his father.
Thornton is also a member of the Greater Huntsville Rotary Club, the Progressive Union Missionary Baptist Church Deacon Board, Huntsville Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., and past Chairman of the Board of the Top of Alabama Regional Council of Governments. He earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in electrical and biomedical engineering from Vanderbilt University.