The following is a letter submitted by Marion Myers, owner of Hughes Properties II, LLC. We are publishing it in its entirety.
Recognizing Exceptional Dedication: A Tribute to Our Office Manager
In this fast-paced realm of modern business, exceptional dedication, self-improvement through education and unwavering commitment stand as pillars of success. It is with great pride and admiration that I take a moment to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of our Office Manager-Community Association Manager Kristen Wickham, who has exemplified these qualities in abundance.
From the onset, Kristen embraced the challenges of new company ownership and implementing new software with grace and determination, seamlessly orchestrating the integration process. Her meticulous attention to detail with staff support ensured a smooth transition, sparing no effort to address any hurdles along the way.
What truly sets Kristen apart is her willingness to go the extra mile, with one on one and group training with the staff, time and time again. Whether it’s burning the midnight oil to troubleshoot technical issues or offering invaluable insights to optimize our workflows, Kristen consistently demonstrates an unparalleled level of dedication to our staff and communities.
Beyond her technical knowledge, Kristen possesses a rare blend of empathy and leadership. She fosters an environment of collaboration and support, empowering each member of our team and boards to excel in their respective roles. Her open-door policy and willingness to lend an ear have fostered a sense of camaraderie that is truly invaluable.
With all the changes going on she was working on and has since received her CMCA and AMS designation and received her PCAM (Professional Community Association Manager) designation this month (January). This is a true testament to her desire to provide the best for our communities.
Community Association Managers (CAMs) wear a ton of hats. They’re part legal expert, part financial planner, part project manager, and part customer service rep—all while juggling board of directors, vendor contracts, maintenance schedules, resident concerns, and ever-changing regulations. It’s a job that requires organization, people skills, and a solid understanding of everything from insurance claims to landscaping bids.
In recognition of her exceptional contributions, I extend my deepest gratitude to Kristen. Her tireless efforts have not only propelled our company forward but have also set a standard of excellence for us all to aspire to.
Kristen, is the epitome of dedication and excellence in the workplace.
Warm Regards,
Marion Myers, Owner
Hughes Properties II, LLC