The Ambassador and Emissary Programs allow Chamber members to become more engaged with the community. Chamber Ambassadors are individuals who help represent and promote the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber, as well as promote their own business to other companies. Chamber Emissaries are chosen individuals who act as messengers to advocate the Chamber to current members.
What is an Ambassador?
Chamber Ambassadors are individuals who help represent and promote the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber, as well as promote their own business to other companies.
The Ambassador Program consists of enthusiastic volunteers from the Chamber membership who donate their time to help build member commitment and raise community awareness of Chamber activities and benefits.
What Are the Benefits to the Ambassador Company?
The Ambassadors grow personally and professionally by building business relationships within the community. Participating in the Ambassador Program is one of the first steps you can take to become more involved with the Chamber. The program is ideal if you have a desire to become more active in the local business environment, raise awareness of your business or organization and give back to your community.
The Ambassador Program provides opportunities for you to connect with local business leaders and build lasting relationships. You will have an insider’s perspective of the local business community and a high level of prestige and credibility is extended to your business or occupation through your involvement with this well-respected goodwill group.
For more information, see 2025 Ambassador and Emissary Handbook.
2025 Application Form (Fill-in)

Tom Ray