L to R: Ray Winn, partner, Deloitte & Touche LLP, Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle and Huntsville/Madison County Chamber President & CEO Chip Cherry. Deloitte presented a major $100,000 gift to the Alabama School of Cyber Technology & Engineering Foundation on Wednesday at the Paris Air Show. (Photo Courtesy: Huntsville/Madison County Chamber – June 19, 2019)
PARIS, FRANCE & HUNTSVILLE, AL (June 19, 2019) – Deloitte presented a major $100,000 gift to the Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering Foundation (ASCTEF) today in a ceremony at the 2019 Paris Air Show. The donation is a combination of a financial contribution as well as in-kind support. This donation is intended to promote and advance the state magnet school, which opens in Huntsville in August 2020.
Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle accepted the check on behalf of Deloitte from Ray Winn, partner, Deloitte & Touche LLP, and a cyber leader.
“One of the primary conversations we are having here at the Paris Air Show is the need to secure aviation and missile platforms,” said Mayor Battle. “To do so requires a workforce that understands how cyber systems interact with hardware. This school sets the foundation blocks for creating those platforms.”
“Since we opened our Huntsville office six years ago, we have been committed to the success of the community and are thrilled to announce our support for the ASCTEF,” said Carey Miller, managing director, Deloitte & Touche LLP, and a cyber leader. “The Huntsville community recognizes that cyber is everywhere and that by investing in education, it can be the nation’s cyber leader.”
The independent residential magnet school will provide academically motivated 7th through 12th grade students from across the state with educational opportunities and experiences in the rapidly growing fields of cyber technology and engineering. The school will also assist a broad range of teachers, administrators, and superintendents across the State of Alabama in replicating cyber technology and engineering studies in their own schools.
ASCTEF will be sharing additional announcements in the weeks ahead.
The Alabama School of Cyber Technology & Engineering Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, was established in January of 2018 to benefit the School. The foundation is intended to promote and connect the school with industry, academia and the government. It will serve the school to assist with funding for real property, equipment, and curriculum development as well as extra-curricular and margin of excellence programs.