If you want to make a valuable investment in your business and in the community, the Chamber is the place to start. With premier business and networking opportunities among its countless benefits, the Chamber offers reliable support to help your business grow and prosper. Your membership is an investment that pays dividends in the form of new customers for your business, a stronger economy and an exceptional quality of life in Huntsville/Madison County.
State Legislature
The Legislature convenes in regular annual sessions on the first Tuesday in February, except (1) in the first year of the four-year term, when the session will begin on the first Tuesday in March, and (2) in the last year of a four-year term, when the session will begin on the second Tuesday in January. The length of the regular session is limited to 30 meeting days within a period of 105 calendar days. There are usually two meeting or "legislative" days per week, with other days devoted to committee meetings. Special sessions of the Legislature may be called by the Governor, with the Proclamation listing the subjects which the Governor wishes considered. These sessions are limited to 12 legislative days within a 30 calendar day span. In a regular session, bills may be enacted on any subject. In a special session, legislation must be enacted only on those subjects which the Governor announces in his proclamation or "call." Anything not in the "call" requires a two-thirds vote of each house to be enacted.
Madison County Legislative Delegation Office:726 Madison Street Huntsville, AL 35801 Tel: (256) 539-5441 Fax: (256) 539-5444
The Alabama House of Representatives is comprised of 105 members. Each member represents a district of approximately 40,000 people. The members of the House are elected to four-year terms. Members of the House must be 21 years of age at the time of their election, and must have been citizens of Alabama for three years, having lived in their respective districts for at least one year immediately preceding their election. The Speaker of the House represents one of the 105 districts in the House, and is elected by his or her colleagues to serve as the presiding officer. It takes a quorum of 53 members to conduct business in the Alabama House of Representatives, and a majority of a quorum can pass any bill except a constitutional amendment, which requires 63 votes. During a special legislative session any measures not included in the Governor's call require a 2/3 majority for passage. All revenue raising legislation must originate in the House just as in the Congress of the United States. An appropriation to a non-government organization, such as a private college, requires a two-thirds vote of those elected.
For more information, visit:
The Alabama State Senate is composed of 35 Senators, in keeping with Article IV, Section 50, of the Constitution, which limits the House of Representatives at 105 members, and the Senate at 35, and with Article IX, Sections 197 and 198, which establishes membership in the Senate at not less than one-fourth, nor more than one-third, the total membership of the House of Representatives, and allows for additional representation in the event new counties are created. Thus, the Alabama Senate is precisely one-third the size of the House of Representatives, and each Senator represents a district of approximately 137,000 Alabamians.
For more information visit:
Michael Ward, CCE, IOM Senior Vice President, Government & Public Affairs 256-535-2030
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