MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey was appointed on Wednesday to the National Space Council’s Users Advisory Group by Vice President Mike Pence upon her being nominated by Senator Richard Shelby.
NASA recently established the Users Advisory Group (UAG) to advise and inform the National Space Council on a broad range of aerospace topics, including the impacts of U.S. and international laws and regulations, national security space priorities relating to the civil and commercial space sectors, scientific and human space exploration priorities, and ways to bolster support for U.S. space priorities and leadership in space.
“Alabama has a rich history in aerospace and with the renewed commitment to space exploration, we are poised to greatly benefit from and contribute to public and private efforts moving forward,” Governor Ivey said. “I look forward to serving in this group with pioneers of space flight, key industry leaders, astronauts and other esteemed members. I thank Senator Shelby for his nomination and Vice President Pence for appointing me to this distinguished group.”
Members of the UAG were announced today at Kennedy Space Center by Vice President Pence during a meeting of the National Space Council. At the first meeting of the National Space Council the vice president described why the Advisory Group is an important component of the National Space Council.
“The President has directed us to relaunch the National Space Council’s advisory group to foster close coordination, cooperation, technology information. This group will bring together a broad range of truly exceptional Americans – men and women who are committed to advancing and renewing American leadership in space,” Vice President Pence said.
The National Space Council was created during President Dwight Eisenhower’s administration, with the aim of making sure there was someone close to the president to coordinate national policy on space. It would eventually include the NASA administrator, Cabinet secretaries, other officials and heads of private industry.
A full list of members appointed to the Users Advisory Group is available here.