MONTGOMERY, Ala. (May 21, 2020) – Governor Kay Ivey announced more restrictions have been eased on Alabama’s “Safer at Home” order. These updates are effective Friday, May 22 at 5 p.m. through July 3 at 5 p.m.
Entertainment venues such as theaters, bowling alleys, and arcades may reopen, subject to sanitation and social distancing guidelines. Athletic activities and summer camps may also resume activities, educational institutions may reopen and restrictions are also eased for childcare facilities.
Read the updates:
Safer at Home Order (Updated May 22, 2020)
Safer at Home Info Sheet 1
Safer at Home Info Sheet 2
Safer at Home Info Sheet 3
Tenth Supplemental State of Emergency
This one-sheet from the Alabama Department of Public Health sums up the changes. Read more.
Governor Kay Ivey and Alabama Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris stressed people must remain vigilant and practice social distancing.
“This remains a serious and deadly disease,” said Gov. Ivey. “Our numbers are not as good as we would hope. Some cities and counties, there are very legitimate concerns with a large number of people hospitalized.”
“Social distancing is more important than ever,” echoed Dr. Harris.
Gov. Ivey said tomorrow (May 22), Alabama Secretary of Labor Fitzgerald Washington will announce the state’s unemployment rate for April. More than 500,000 people have filed for unemployment in the past two months, Gov. Ivey said, and more than $1 billion has been paid out in unemployment compensation. “Folks, that’s a lot of hurt and a lot of pain out there,” Ivey said.
As Alabama continues to reopen, we are one of three states that will use Apple-Google contact tracing technology for virus tracking apps. Our state, along with North Dakota and South Carolina, will join 22 countries around the globe in this effort. “Hopefully this will become an important tool in the toolkit to slow the spread of Coronavirus,” Gov. Ivey affirmed.
“We’ll continue putting personal responsibility on each citizen,” Ivey added. “Personal responsibility also extends to the store owner, summer camp operator, the hair stylist, youth sports coach, and pastors. It takes all of us being vigilant and adhering to these social distancing guidelines in order to stop the spread of this disease.”
Posted by Governor Kay Ivey on Thursday, May 21, 2020