Navigator Development Group Inc. was recently honored by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) with a 2018 HIRE Vets Gold Medallion Program Demonstration Award.
The award was established in 2017, when President Donald J. Trump signed into law the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing (HIRE) American Military Veterans Act, creating the HIRE Vets Medallion Program. The program recognizes companies for recruiting, employing, and retaining America’s veterans.
Honorees include small businesses, community-based nonprofits, and national companies.
This is the only veteran hiring award at the federal level, said DOL Deputy Assistant Secretary Matthew Miller in a letter to Keith Gay, president and owner of Navigator. Navigator is headquartered out of Enterprise, Ala., and has a regional headquarters in Huntsville.
“By meeting the criteria required for a Gold Medallion Program Demonstration Award, Navigator demonstrated a model of patriotism worthy of praise as well as a recognition of the value veterans bring to the workplace,” he said.
Pleased to be selected for the HIRE Vets Gold Medallion award, Gay stressed his continued commitment to assist veterans, which make up about 70 percent of Navigator’s workforce.
“Our veterans provide a solid work ethic, unique skill sets, and an unwavering dedication to continue serving our country’s warfighters,” he said. “Hiring veterans is an easy choice because they are adaptable, disciplined, and committed to providing quality work.”
In a statement released by U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta, he said in order to earn a HIRE Vets Medallion Award, companies he refers to as job creators must demonstrate a solid commitment to providing veterans with the opportunity to build a meaningful career. “This program recognizes a standard for excellence in veterans hiring, and helps veterans identify employers who are committed to advancing veterans in the workplace,” he said.
Recipients of the 2018 HIRE Vets Medallion Program Demonstration Award were evaluated based on a range of criteria, including: Veteran hiring and retention; availability of veteran-specific resources; leadership programs for veterans; dedicated human resources; and compensation and tuition assistance programs for veterans.
Navigator was initially founded in 1997 to provide contractor support needs to the U. S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence. With headquarters near Fort Rucker and Redstone Arsenal, Navigator draws top quality professionals from a wide range of career fields.