Mark your calendar and make plans to vote on Tuesday, September 26. That’s the day Roy Moore and Luther Strange will be in the GOP primary runoff for United States Senate.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Make sure to bring your photo ID.
If you didn’t vote in the August 15 primary, you can still vote on September 26. However, if you did vote August 15, you must have selected the Republican ballot in order to vote again in the runoff.
Have questions about voting?
If you’re not sure where you vote, check your polling place.
If you’re not registered to vote, you can take care of that here. You can either fill out an online application, download a form and fill it out then mail it in, or request a form be mailed to you.
The last day to register to vote in the primary runoff election is Monday, September 11. Once you’re registered, you’ll be all set for future elections.
Absentee Voting
If you’re going to be out of town for the runoff or you’re unable to make it to your polling site on September 26, here’s how to cast an absentee ballot.
You can visit your county courthouse to fill out an application for an absentee ballot. The last day to do that is the Thursday before the election, September 21. Please call first to make sure the office has the ballots. The number for Madison County is (256) 532-3684. You also need to be registered at your current address. You can update your address online, but must take care of that for this election by September 11.
Monday, September 25 is the last day to postmark an absentee ballot being returned by mail. If delivered by hand, the absentee ballot must be returned to the absentee election manager no later than the close of business that same day.