Are you wearing a mask at work when you can’t be six feet apart? We want to show it!
Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle is encouraging people to wear face masks to stop the spread of COVID-19. Face masks aren’t mandatory, but they provide a barrier of protection for you, your family, coworkers and strangers. They’re also a visual reminder we can make a difference in stopping the spread of the virus.
Share your pictures on social media with the hashtag #ShowYourCoverHSV or email them to [email protected]. We’ll feature these on our social media channels and our website.
#ShowYourCoverHSV – post your photos using the hashtag or email them to [email protected]
Doing my part #ShowYourCoverHsv #OneHuntsville #iHeartHsv
— VarsityMarkRussell (@VarsityPrep) May 7, 2020
Gotta cover up HSV!
OBTW, Mask made by my misses! #ShowYourCoverHsv— #1AdkinsSon (@bja2_ii) May 7, 2020
Our entire #facilities crew is keeping the campus a safe, functional & attractive space, all while taking the necessary safety precautions to remain healthy themselves! #ShowYourCoverHSV #WearAMask #FlattenTheCurve @huntsvillecity
— HudsonAlpha (@hudsonalpha) May 7, 2020
#ShowYourCoverHsv Paul Smith owner of Roto-Rooter Huntsville wearing his official RR mask at Toyota job site.
— Paul Smith The Roto Rooter Man (@paulsmiff1) May 7, 2020