July 7, 2020

Read the order from the Madison County Health Officer

Here is the order that requires face coverings in public starting on July 7, 2020 at 5 p.m.
July 2, 2020

Mask Up Huntsville: Face coverings required as of July 7 in Madison County

Our hospital officials are asking for your help to get COVID-19 infection rates under control. Please use face coverings in your workplace and in public, and please help us spread the word using #maskuphsv. We have links for social media graphics here.
July 1, 2020

2020 Upwards Career & Training Fair: July 14-16

Know someone who is interested in upskilling and finding a fulfulling career? Please encourage them to attend our Upwards Career & Training Fair. This virtual event is July 14-16 and we still have room for more companies to participate, too.
June 30, 2020

GOP Senate Runoff the big race on the ballot July 14

Mark July 14 on your calendar -- it's time to vote again.
June 19, 2020

TVA congratulates Chamber on recent Site Selection award

“Congratulations to the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber on receiving the Mac Conway Award,” said John Bradley, TVA senior vice president for Economic Development. “This organization is committed to raising the quality of life in the area, and its efforts continue to bring high quality jobs and attract business and industry to the region.”
June 17, 2020

List of medical offices in Madison County testing for COVID-19

There are a number of offices conducting testing for COVID-19, if you find you need this service.
June 15, 2020

Huntsville/Madison County Chamber to take decisive steps to improve diversity, inclusion

We issue this statement on behalf of our Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
June 12, 2020

Health officials express concern about July 4th Celebrations

COVID-19 spreads easily, and is still affecting Alabama communities. Health officials urge that decisions on fireworks displays and large community gatherings should be made with the priority of keeping community members safe.
June 10, 2020

Web Call (June 10): Ken Smith, Chamber Research Director

Ken Smith is the Director of Research at the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber. He shared new information about Huntsville’s economy and job numbers, compared to the U.S. picture.  Here are the slides from Ken’s presentation.
June 8, 2020

Huntsville-Madison County Public Library to reopen June 15

On Monday, June 15, the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library (HMCPL) will reopen its doors to the public, but with limited occupancy to encourage social distancing. This is phase three of the library’s reopening plan.
June 8, 2020

President Trump signs PPP Flexibility Act

SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin issued this statement on June 8 following the enactment of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Flexibility Act.
June 8, 2020

USPTO Launches COVID-19 Response Resource Center

The United States Patent & Trademark Office has launched a new resource center that allows users to easily view information on a number of critical initiatives to aid the public throughout the ongoing crisis.
June 1, 2020

Chamber urges continued peaceful engagement on diversity, inclusivity in Huntsville

As we watch protests over police brutality turn to acts of violence in many U.S. cities, the Huntsville business community is prayerful that planned events in our city will continue to take place without conflict.
May 29, 2020

Food Banks in North Alabama say need has increased significantly in community

  By Sam Smythe COVID-19 has had a lasting impact on multiple facets of day-to-day life. For some people who have lost work and income during these last few months, finding ways to care for and feed their family has […]