August 12, 2021

Aug. 10 Zoom Call: COVID cases are high, but so is the momentum for vaccinations

During our August 10 Zoom call with membership, we talked about the rise in COVID cases, which is drastic right now.  A lot of people are sick and hospitals across Alabama are full, including here in Huntsville.  Resources at these hospitals are stretched, as staff members care for patients with COVID.  Elective procedures have also been put on hold. There is good momentum in recent days with the vaccine, though.
August 9, 2021

The Lioce Group investing for the future with launch of new Electric Vehicle Chargers

On Thursday, August 19, The Lioce Group will launch its new product line of EV Chargers and a partnership with SemaConnect, announced Nick Lioce, President and Anthony Lioce, Operations Manager of The Lioce Group.
August 2, 2021

A message from our CEO, about in-person events

When we selected August as the time to return to in-person programming, some thought we were being too conservative. Infection rates were down and vaccination rates were up, especially among the most vulnerable populations. Now we have been thrown a curveball – the Delta variant.
August 2, 2021

Vaccinate. Mask. Lead: A message to community & business leaders from Crestwood Medical Center CEO

Dr. Pam Hudson has this message to community and business leaders, to encourage everyone to work for the common good.
July 30, 2021

A Dose of Reality: Huntsville Hospital CEO urges more to get vaccinated

Jeff Samz asks everyone to help protect our community, our patients and our caregivers by receiving the Covid-19 vaccination.
July 23, 2021

Senate Armed Services Committee approves National Defense Authorization Act for 2022

Senator Tommy Tuberville serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) and was instrumental in making sure that the legislation included a number of items that were on the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber’s Federal Agenda. The Senate Armed Services Committee passed its fiscal year 2022 defense policy bill Thursday after closed door markup sessions. The bill passed the committee on a 23-3 vote.
July 23, 2021

Upcoming WBC Events: Mark these on your calendar

The Women's Business Council (WBC) is the advocate for women-owned businesses with the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber. Ladies, we invite you to join us for these upcoming events.
July 22, 2021

Deloitte’s new report on DEI in the Defense Industry Base

Deloitte and the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber partnered on this report about the Defense Industry Base (DIB). According to Deloitte's findings, in order to be more innovative, the DIB needs to be more diverse.
June 29, 2021

Survey Results: Impact of COVID-19 on Regional Business

Earlier this year, local community and business leaders solicited input from area businesses on their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They asked businesses of all sizes to take a survey in order to learn how the regional infrastructure supported their sustainability and resiliency. Here is what we learned.
June 25, 2021

Alabama Healthcare Organizations Launch Statewide Grassroots Effort to Encourage Vaccinations

With vaccinations proving to be the best weapon against the virus, and Alabama being the second worst state in terms of its vaccination rate, Alabama’s leading healthcare organizations are joining together to launch “We Can Do This Alabama” to encourage greater participation.
June 11, 2021
2021 Armed Forces Celebration

Upcoming Events: 2021 Armed Forces Celebration

We are planning several events in the next few weeks for our annual Armed Forces Celebration, and we hope you'll join us. This year, Redstone Arsenal marks 80 years of supporting our nation!
June 2, 2021

Mazda Toyota Manufacturing Unveils First Vehicle in Production Line Up, the all-new Corolla Cross

On June 2, Mazda Toyota Manufacturing (MTM) celebrated the unveiling of the first vehicle in its production line up – the all-new Corolla Cross - on the heels of Toyota’s announcement earlier in the day. The MTM joint venture partnership between Mazda Motor Corporation and Toyota Motor Corporation is in a hiring boom to prepare for production on the Corolla Cross later this year, along with an as-yet-to-be-announced Mazda vehicle.
May 21, 2021

Dr. Joe Burke, Interim President of Calhoun Community College, Announces Retirement

Calhoun Community College interim president Dr. Joe Burke recently announced his retirement after almost 35 years with the Alabama Community College System. Dr. Burke has been the interim president at Calhoun for the past three years. His last day at the school will be May 28.
May 3, 2021

1961-2021: Huntsville marks 60 years since Alan Shepard’s historic spaceflight

This Wednesday, May 5 marks a special anniversary: 60 years since Alan Shepard became the first American in space. He traveled in the Freedom 7 spacecraft aboard a Mercury-Redstone Rocket, which was developed and built right here in Huntsville.